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External Solution

    Commercial presentations
    bottle of 500 mL | 31097PER00003
    $ 29.59
    bottle of 1L | 31097PER00004
    $ 45.31
    Each 100 ml contain: Fipronil 1 g, excipients q.s. ad 100 mL.

    Treatment and control of horned fly, ticks, Dermatobia (tupe or nuche), masticator and sucking lice, and miasis. Its action on populations of horned fly (up to 6 weeks) and ticks (up to 8 weeks) that are resisting to other parasiticides is specially relevant.

    Dosage y administration:
    1 mL for each10 kg of weight. Apply along the dorsal line in the narrow band extending from the cervix to the base of the tail.
    27/11/2010 18:11

    quiero comprar una caja de extracto de yohimbe en pastillas para el ganado lechero

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